Some of our Commodity prices are estimated by the stock exchange such as dimensional and construction lumber of Pine, Douglas fir, Hemlock etc. Also the prices for bulk products such as wood chip of various grades. The price of commodities is governed by the free market, obeying the law of supply and demand and world monetary policy.
Everything that is essential raw material, with a low level of industrialization, is called a commodity. Commodity prices are strongly related to world productivity, since they are produced in large quantities, with no difference between brands, and can be stored without loss of quality.
To begin your purchase negotiation, we ask that you strictly follow the SALE PROCEDURES below.
The above procedures and steps will depend on the quantity and type of wood intended. They might be some slight changes in the sales procedure taking into consideration the wood or wood products
Our customer service standards provide information on how we will handle your enquiry. There is also compliments and complaints information to help you when you lodge feedback with us.
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