We focus on product categories that are directly connected to the daily lives of many people in our society. Therefore we, as Globalwooders Group Of Companies take a participating position towards sustainability themes that are most relevant in our field of operations. Our main focus is on the commitment of delivering against appropriate safety and quality standards. Due to the nature of our operations we also are aware that our direct impact on the environment is limited to our business operations. By understanding our key drivers for sustainability, we can work towards integrating relevant sustainability measures in our overall business and operating strategy.
Due to our central role in the respective supply chain of the products that we deliver, we understand the needs and wants of our clients both upstream and downstream. At one side we can translate the requirements of buyers into clear sourcing strategies and at the other side we are also able to explain relevant matters that emerge from the supply side.
At operations level we aim towards working in a way that we are aware of the effects on the environment that emerges from our activities. In this regard we understand that our direct visible impact on the environment results from our office activities, commuting and business travel.
We take sustainable living seriously and have thus implemented measures on daily Business and Office operations
Business operations
As our products groups are all directly associated with the global sustainability challenges such as unsustainable forests, deforestation and social challenges, Globalwooders are committed to make use of our central position in this business and advocating for transforming this business into a sustainable business.
We aim towards sourcing our products that are produced sustainably and where all stakeholders are prioritizing sustainability.
Office operations
We limit our utilities consumption only to necessary activities. We only turn on electronic devices when we need them.
We limit using printed material.
We make travels only when required and make effective use of digital communication tools.
We are committed to learn about sustainability and the potential that people have to positively address all the challenges that are related to sustainability.
“Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Gro Harlem Brundtland
“The sustainability revolution will, hopefully, be the third major social and economic turning point in human history, following the Neolithic Revolution – moving from hunter-gathering to farming – and the Industrial Revolution” Prince Charles
How can we help you?
Our customer service standards provide information on how we will handle your enquiry. There is also compliments and complaints information to help you when you lodge feedback with us.